Bone Cancer in Dogs

Bone Cancer in Dogs

Bones cancer in dogs, otherwise known as osteosarcoma, is an aggressive form of bone cancer that is seen in dogs. Our La Mesa vets talk about the signs of bone cancer in dogs, what the concerns are, as well as when you should talk to your vet. 

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Osteosarcoma in Dogs

Osteosarcoma in Dogs

Osteosarcoma, more commonly known as bone cancer, is one of the most common types of cancer in dogs. Our La Mesa vets discuss the signs and treatment options for osteosarcoma in dogs.

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My cat won't eat - is it an emergency?

My cat won't eat - is it an emergency?

If your cat is not eating you're likely to be concerned and wondering if a trip to the emergency vet is required. Today, our La Mesa vets discuss some common reasons for cats refusing food and how to tell if your cat’s case is an emergency.

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What Causes Dog Diarrhea and How to Treat It

What Causes Dog Diarrhea and How to Treat It

When your dog suddenly begins to experience diarrhea it can cause any pet parent to be concerned. Our La Mesa vets talk about what causes diarrhea in dogs, how it is treated and when to consider it an animal emergency.

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Was that a Woof or a Wheeze? Labored Breathing in Dogs

Was that a Woof or a Wheeze? Labored Breathing in Dogs

Just because your dog is panting doesn't mean that their breathing should be categorized as 'labored.' If your favorite furry friend is struggling to inhale and/or exhale, this is termed 'labored breathing.' Below, we briefly explain what labored breathing in dogs is and what to do if your pet is experiencing breathing difficulties.

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Why is my cat coughing?

Why is my cat coughing?

If your cat is coughing, wheezing, or sneezing, it generally indicates that something is irritating your pet's lungs, airway or throat. Today, our La Mesa vets explain a few of the underlying illnesses and conditions that can cause these symptoms. 

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Help! My Dog Keeps Falling Over: Causes & What To Do

Help! My Dog Keeps Falling Over: Causes & What To Do

If your dog can't stand up or is staggering and stumbling, it may be the result of a variety of medical issues, including injury, stroke, or an infection. Today, our La Mesa vets explain some potential causes for a dog staggering and why you should seek emergency care right away. 

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Why is my cat biting me?

Why is my cat biting me?

Does your cat ever bite you while you're petting them? You're not alone. Today our La Mesa veterinarians weigh in on why cats engage in this behavior, and how pet parents can react appropriately to biting. 

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Ear Infections in Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Ear Infections in Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Ear infections in cats are relatively uncommon but can cause your cat some serious pain when they do occur. If left untreated, they can lead to more serious complications. Today, our La Mesa vets discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments for ear infections in cats. 

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Anemia in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anemia in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anemia in dogs occurs when their bodies are not producing enough red blood cells. There is a wide range of underlying conditions that can cause anemia. Today, our La Mesa vets discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of anemia in dogs. 

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